You must feel quite frustrated and anxious, trying to keep you child from being dragged into the cult while your husband wants to drag them in.
I'm in a similar situation, although I'm lucky enough to be the husband, and so far I managed to have my wife (reluctantly) agree to stop bringing our young child you meetings.
It may be tempting to try and make your husband see the light...but that may or may not happen. More important is to make him stop dragging your children into the cult.
Here's the 'script' that I followed:
- First come to an agreement that children (in general) should make up their own mind on religion, and not be forced to worship as their parents do.
- Then make it more specific: this applies to your children and JWism too, right? Or are JW children forced to become JW?
- Once the stage is set for that, come back to your husband's request to bring the children to the memorial. There is only one important question: why should your children have to be there or in any other JW meeting?
- Your husband has limited options to reply: because the Bible says so, or to save their lives, or because they need to learn about the memorial, pay respect to Jehovah and Jesus etc.
- Again: why would children (especially young children) need to do any of that? Would they understand what's going on there? If not, they needn't be there. If so, he might just as well explain the proceedings to them at home.
- If they are brought to JW meetings, would he agree to let you bring them to Easter mass in some other church too? After all, you agreed your children should be able to choose for themselves, so if they attend one church (JW) they should know about the others too.
I managed to stay out of any doctrinal discussions. While discussing this topic, I didn't make any claims about JW being not true. I simply stuck to
- what they tell at JW meetings isn't suitable for young children (murder, immorality, war, execution, incest) to hear
- if the child is too young to understand there is no use in bringing them
- if the child is older, it's basically unfair to them to bring them to the KH without showing them other church meetings at least just as often.
Perhaps you can use any of this l. It depends a bit on how out you are, and how old your children are. But I suspect this route is faster than trying to get your husband out. You can still do that afterwards....